Updated, Redesigned, and Modernized: Dodge Challenger

In this segment, you’ll come to see your favorite cars. But why not search it up online? Well, in this unit I present a timeline. Take a look at how your favorite car evolved over the years. Today’s spotlight rests on: the Dodge Challenger.

The First Generation



Year to year changes were made after the ‘74 model, but only slight cosmetic and mainly power and performance improvements. The changes weren’t too noticeable.



The Second Generation: Downfall of Designs



From 1983-2007, the Challenger was changed, and remained in its ‘dark days’. Its not easy to bad-mouth Dodge for this, as almost every muscle car in this era looked like hot-wheels designed by grandmas.

The Third Generation: A Comeback


From 2008 to now, the Challenger has only undergone power and cosmetic changes.




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